Sanford House, Sandford Street, Swindon, SN1 1HE
01793 542575

Independent Care Act Advocacy

Your life. Your choice. Your voice.

There is a law called the ‘Care Act‘ and it aims to put people and their carers in control of their care and support.

Some people find making decisions about their care and health needs difficult.  These people can have an advocate under the Care Act.

Description of what substantial difficulty is:

Independent advocacy must be made available to people who have ‘substantial difficulty’ in being fully involved in the care and support process:

  • Care assessment
  • Care and support planning and care reviews
  • Safeguarding enquiries
  • Safeguarding adult reviews

Easy Read Guide

Self referral is not allowed for this service, please ask your social worker to contact us.

Useful Information

Care Act Factsheets