Sanford House, Sandford Street, Swindon, SN1 1HE
01793 542575

Spot-Purchased Advocacy Services

Your life. Your choice. Your voice.

Our Spot-purchased Advocacy Services Offer

Spot purchase is an option when there is no contract to provide a specific piece of work. 

It is a single piece of work that can be funded by an individual or by a range of organisations including local authorities, NHS trusts, solicitor firms and voluntary organisations.

We offer a flexible, regional service in The South West/Central area providing both statutory and non-statutory advocacy.

Statutory Advocacy

We welcome spot-purchase arrangements to meet specific statutory advocacy requirements including referrals from Local Authorities for:

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)

Care Act Advocacy

Independent Mental Capacity Act (IMCA) including DoLs and RPR

Non-Statutory Advocacy

We accept spot purchase advocacy referrals for vulnerable parents and families going through Child Protection processes.

We offer an ad-hoc, person centred advocacy service where a need for advocacy has been highlighted but there is no other service available to cover the specific situation.

For more information please contact our Advocacy Director, Colette O’Sullivan:

Phone: 01793 542266
